Thursday 5 September 2024

5 Hilarious Tips to Supercharge Your Documentary Photography Skills

Are you ready to transform from a casual shutterbug into a master of documentary photography? Buckle up because we're about to embark on a wild ride through the world of capturing real life in all its messy, beautiful glory. Whether you're a beginner with a smartphone or a hobbyist with a fancy DSLR, these tips will have you snapping like a pro in no time!

1. Become a Ninja of research before you even think about picking up your camera, channelling your inner Sherlock Holmes and diving deep into your subject. Imagine you're investigating a secret society of squirrels plotting world domination. You need to know everything: their nutty habits, their acorn-hoarding techniques, and their tiny tree-top headquarters. The more you know about your subject, the better you'll be able to anticipate those perfect documentary moments. Plus, you'll have some killer conversation starters at your next dinner party. "Did you know squirrels can fall from 100 feet without getting hurt? Speaking of which, pass the nuts!

2. Master the Art of InvisibilityNo, we're not talking about Harry Potter's cloak here. To capture authentic moments, you must blend into your environment like a chameleon at a paint store. Practice your best "I'm just a lamp" pose or perfect your "I'm a very life-like statue" stance. The key is to make your subjects forget you're there. This might involve some unconventional camouflage techniques. Tree bark body paint, anyone? Remember, if someone mistakes you for actual furniture and tries to sit on you, you've gone too far.

3. Patience: Your New Middle NameDocumentary photography is like fishing, but instead of waiting for a bite, you're waiting for that perfect moment when your subject does something incredibly human or hilariously candid. You might be thinking, "But I have the attention span of a goldfish!" Fear not! We have a solution. Try turning your waiting game into a bizarre version of I-Spy. "I spy with my little eye... a man about to sneeze so hard his toupee might fly off!" Before you know it, you'll have spent hours waiting for the perfect shot without realizing it.

4. Embrace the Weird and WonderfulIn In documentary photography, the ordinary becomes extraordinary, and the weird becomes terrific. That pigeon with a mohawk? Snap it. Is the grandma doing parkour in the park? That's gold, baby! Train your eye to spot the unusual in the usual. It's like playing a never-ending game of "one of these things is not like the others," but you're photographing it instead of pointing it out. Soon, you'll see the world as one biamplebeautiful, bizarre photo opportunity.

5. Tell a Story, Not Just a Snapshot Remember, you're not just taking pretty pictures; you're telling a story. Think of yourself as a visual novelist, but instead of "once upon a time," you're starting with "once upon a shutter click."Try to capture a beginning, middle, and end in your series of photos. For example, the epic tale of a hot dog vendor's day: the morning prep, the lunchtime rush, and the triumphant counting of quarters at sunset. It's like a blockbuster movie but with more mustard.

There you have it, folks! Five tips to skyrocket your documentary photography skills from "meh" to "magnificent." Now go forth and document the world in all its weird and wonderful glory. And remember, if anyone asks why you're hiding in a bush with a camera, just tell them you're conducting essential squirrel surveillance. They'll understand... probably.

If you are looking for a behind-the-scenes photography service dedicated to capturing the essence and energy of events, productions, and memorable moments, GET IN TOUCH. Our mission is to provide high-quality, candid imagery that highlights the hard work and creativity behind the scenes.

Monday 25 March 2024


I recently bought my dream camera, the Leica Q2 Monochrome. It is everything they say it is, but it is better. I am still getting to grips with this new system after using Fujifilm for about 5-10 years (with a short stint on Sony and Lumix). I have taken a few shots below. They are nothing special, but for test shots, I see potential. 

The macro on this camera is INSANELY good! 

Here are more shots from when I took it out for the day in London.

Below is a shot from home. I just loved the light and the blacks that the camera shows off. 

To conclude, this is an awesome camera and I look forward to sharing more shots. 

Thursday 7 March 2024

Unveiling the Magic: Why Your Business Needs a Behind-the-Scenes Photographer

In today's digital age, visual storytelling is paramount.  While polished product shots and stunning customer testimonials are undeniably valuable, there's a hidden gem waiting to be tapped: behind-the-scenes photography.  These candid captures offer a unique glimpse into the heart of your business, fostering deeper connections with your audience and propelling your brand forward.  Here's why a behind-the-scenes photographer is an investment worth making:

1. Authenticity Builds Trust:  Consumers crave authenticity.  They want to see the real people behind the brand, the ones pouring their heart and soul into the products and services they offer.  Behind-the-scenes photos showcase your team's passion, dedication, and collaborative spirit.  Candid shots of brainstorming sessions, product development stages, and even lighthearted office moments humanize your brand, fostering trust and emotional connection with your audience.

2. Transparency Breeds Confidence:  People are increasingly interested in understanding how things are made and where their products come from.  Behind-the-scenes photography sheds light on your production process, showcasing the effort and expertise that goes into every offering.  This transparency builds confidence in your brand's quality and commitment to ethical practices.  Photos of sustainable sourcing, meticulous craftsmanship, or rigorous quality control measures can be powerful differentiators in a competitive marketplace.

3. Content Calendar Lifeline:  The pressure to consistently generate fresh content is real.  Behind-the-scenes photography provides a wellspring of engaging material for your social media channels, website, and email marketing campaigns.  These photos offer a dynamic alternative to traditional product shots, keeping your audience engaged and interested.  Documenting team outings, industry events, or even charity initiatives injects personality and fosters a sense of community around your brand.

4. Employee Appreciation Powerhouse:  Recognition is a powerful motivator.  Behind-the-scenes photography can be a fantastic tool for employee appreciation.  Highlighting team members' contributions through candid photos acknowledges their hard work and fosters a sense of pride within your organization.  These photos can also be used for internal communications or recruitment purposes, showcasing your company culture and attracting top talent.

5. A Window into Innovation:  Businesses are constantly evolving.  Behind-the-scenes photography can capture the spirit of innovation within your organization.  Photos of brainstorming sessions, prototyping stages, or even failed experiments showcase your commitment to continuous improvement and a forward-thinking mindset.  This resonates with customers who value innovation and appreciate brands that push boundaries.

Investing in a behind-the-scenes photographer is an investment in your brand's future.  By showcasing the heart and soul of your business, you build trust, transparency, and a loyal following.  In today's competitive landscape, authenticity is a powerful differentiator.  So, don't be afraid to pull back the curtain and let your audience see the magic that happens behind the scenes.

If you want to know more or would like to hire me. Get in touch via here